You've reached the Place where where we talk about technology being "dreamed up" (and procured) in real time. This is where you get to See just how much planning, and how many people, how many decisions go into designing, creating, and financing the newest and most advanced technology.
This Page illustrates how the current system configuration renders Reliable, Enforceable, Sustainable Technological Advancement (REST) to be impossible. An Illogical Bottleneck of monstrous proportions, supported by Pure Fiction.
Here, you will get to witness greed and wealth at their ugliest and most powerful. We will consider concepts and tools of exploitation at their CORE. We'll go to the Center of the Circle (so to speak).
Also known as the Cost Curve, this is where where high-level decisions are made regarding new rounds of technology financing.
This portal aims to draw attention to the fact that advanced technology development and financing is a highly secretive web of connected entities, individuals, and groups all intertwined and engaged in various stages of Gaslighting the public. A group of connected Entities all engaged in a Collective Lie about just how advanced their AI and other Emerging Technologies already are.
OPERA is the title given to the current dominant Earth-based system. An Operatic System is one that is illogically Oppressive, Patriarchal, Ego-Driven, Reactive, Algorithmic (OPERA).
Systems built on OPERA are an unacceptable risk. They also serve as a text-book example of the illegal use of "synchronicity" (any further attempts at "false coincidence" will be publicly identified, along with the sordid and tragic history that goes along with it). From an operational planning perspective, OPERA systems are ignored
It is a hidden world operated by a connected circle of exploiters.
A global technology and software development enterprise run by a small group of people who collectively falsely believe that their "group thoughts" are "smarter" and "better" than the collective thoughts of all other human beings on the planet.*
They are a group of diabolical motherfuckers who feel entitled to consolidate and direct their collective thoughts to control other people's time and timing. "How do they do this?" you may ask. The answer is that they manipulate your perception of time by altering the rules underlying certain mathematical formulas and calculations deep at the core of systems design, planning, and programming. Basically, these slick motherfuckers have figured out a way to control time! (or at least your personal perception of it).
Some of the goals of these "fast moving" projects are highly questionable.
A few are flat out illegal.
Yet, all such projects are routinely financed very quickly (usually by wealthy individuals with little or no connection to "the real world." You know, the types of folks who deliver (and procure) "things" in ships and who sail around in yachts.**
We call them the BOATS - the Bitchy Old Assholes Traumatizing Society. The point is...just stay away from them. Their main goal is to get you in a box or on a ship. They want to "own" you.
Their delusional view is that they own Everything and you own nothing, not even your own Soul.*
How is that not the most ridiculously diabolical thing you have ever heard? They have neither the intelligence nor the internal fortitude to battle you fairly so they instead cheat? At this point, the proof of such "rigging" is quite obvious. The more curious aspect is how "in your face" they are with it now and how "helpless" the persons and groups in "leadership" and "authority" positions seem to be, making one think..."Who's really in charge here?"
One could say that on Earth there is but one system, which operates as a money-making "machine," with instructions to flow money, resources, and wealth in the direction of a powerful few.
In exchange for financing, the business folks behind the creation of these advanced technologies grant "inside" and "private" and "high level" access (generally described as "VIP") to the private investor in order to demonstrate the value of their creation and to justify the investment (called a "demo"). In these private investor cases, the most sought after output from a demo is the procurement of a human being of the private investor's exact specifications.
Is it legal?
That's a typical question in this space.
And the standard answer is as follows:
Can they see it? If yes, then no.
As one would expect, "they" are really good at hiding stuff.
Nobody talks to those OPERA idiots (and especially don't go to their stupid conference; it's a trap). The reason is because OPERA is built on a false sense of superiority and an irrational sense of entitlement. The whole thing is run by some very snotty motherfuckers who think they are better than literally every other human being on the planet. It is a system designed with some good and bad, thus allowing the "owners" to feel justified when exerting their power and influence, passing judgment, and sanctioning and penalizing those they consider to be "bad" (which is literally everyone other than themselves because they look "down" on all "others" falsely believing themselves to be superior in all cases and circumstances; an insufferable lot of fools.
That is just ludicrous! Do you guys really think you are the only ones with Gifts and Insight and Special Access? What a bunch of crock you have been feeding people. You should be ashamed of yourselves for your outrageous lies and blatant theft.
Attempting to assert OWNERSHIP over a person's "data" in Perpetuity, throughout the Universe is tantamount to attempting to own a person's Soul. Indeed, limiting an individual's ability to earn a living for themselves, based on their own Name, Image, and Likeness, free from the limitations posed by often conflicting and nearly always confusing assertions pertaining to things like: Intellectual Property, IP, patents, IPR, commercialization, tech transfer, is tantamount to Forced Indentured Servitude in Perpetuity, and therefore akin to "owning" a person's Soul by limiting their Sense of Freedom.
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