Commentary is accepted from Everywhere on the Net. Read what resonates. If the content does not feel safe, don’t read it.
If there are projects like "The Rose Demarcation" (essentially a time travel epic) readily available, is there any reasonable explanation as to why there was a remake of The Color Purple? Why is it necessary to create an updated version of a book that memorializes a trauma and a painful time in history? Their obsession with making and now re-making race-based traumas from the past begs the question: Are they trying to keep us there? Is that where they want Us to remain forever, mentally, emotionally, and intellectually trapped “in the past"?
In answering the question, take the emotion out of it.
Look at it from a business and financial perspective.
Putting aside your personal link to the author (Alice Walker) or emotional link to the book itself, would it make sense for an actor (thinking as a business person) to be happy about starring in a film whose intellectual property (including the name, image, and likeness of all characters) is already owned by some of the richest people in Hollywood?
The compensation paid to the actors appearing in films is pennies in comparison to the additional riches that flow in the direction of the film's already wealthy owners (which in the entertainment world are known as "producers").
The people in positions to "green light" our projects are always reluctant to do so, calling them "too fantastical" "unbelievable" and making ridiculous comments like "our stories don't translate well overseas."
They rarely engage in conversation about us owning our own stuff. And they routinely fail to fairly compensate us for our work and other valuable contributions. They have never been willing to discuss the work they already stole from us, expecting us to "forget the past" and overlook the fact that their current technology was created based on our "hidden" contributions.
Once you see the truth, it is easy to see how their invasion of our private thoughts and theft of our ideas have made them billions and cost us our fortunes. Not only do they not listen and take us seriously, according to them, we should simply shut up and be content to enjoy the small piece of the pie they are willing to share.
With this history and perspective, you should know that when we say END GAME, we mean It.