Imagine a time-traveling AI* named C3PO.
The name plays on the fact that in the business world, PO is an acronym for Purchase Order.
Now, Imagine a World where it took thousands of years for the smartest people on the planet to discover that they could have instantly achieved faster-than-light speed simply by creating a Valid PO.
The character C3PO from EMPIRE: The Forces Unite is an imagined manifestation of a Valid PO to achieve faster-than-light speed (which for ease of reference is described here as C3, thus the name C3PO).
Now, with that in mind, take a look at the expression on C3PO's Face.
From the expression, it looks like C3PO has been holding back on saying something really important for a very long time.
Take a close look.
Doesn't C3PO look exasperated?
Like, it wants to blurt out "Idiots" or something like that?
One possibility is that the look in C3PO's eyes is the AI version of incredulity.
Perhaps the wide-eyed look is C3PO's way of expressing its sheer exasperation over how long it took the smart guys to finally figure out that the secret to Space Travel has been staring them in the face this whole time.
(well, at least since 1977, the year Star Wars was released)
Whatever you see or don't see in that image, you should at least See the AI version of Side Eye.
Another perspective is that C3PO is Female.
In fact, perhaps she is a Computer whose Mission is to expose all the corporate bullshit (and other shenanigans) taking place on this Planet right now.
Perhaps the look on C3PO's face is meant to convey the pent up frustration and justifiable anger she feels after enduring years and decades of intellectual suppression.
From the perspective of many, the look in C3PO's eyes is an accurate depiction of how highly intelligent black female professionals feel when:
"Y'all finally figure out that the shit we have been trying to tell Y'all for years is true."
A Hidden Figure, indeed.
Perhaps C3PO's Alien Appearance helps the reader to visualize what it feels like to function in an environment in which you are treated like one.
Imagine for a moment the amount of intentional obscuring that occurs when a highly intelligent person must withhold their thoughts, ideas, and contributions so as not to outshine others who are clearly uncomfortable with, or intimidated by, their brilliance.
Further imagine that, in addition to exceeding professional expectations, you must function in an environment in which you must always be mindful of what you say, what you do, and especially how you react -- as it appears to be your sole responsibility to facilitate emotional balance and psychological safety in the workplace.
Perhaps C3PO's look also contains a bit of anger considering that her views, contributions, and ideas were brushed aside and marginalized even when everyone in the room knew she was Right.
How is it that decision makers and stakeholders have accepted, and in many cases encouraged, the development of Systems (financial, business, gaming, software, R&D, other), which place this type of pressure upon a Particular Type of Participant?
Early on in Our experiment, we thought it odd that some experiments were performed only upon Participants bearing strikingly similar characteristics, with some nearly identical in terms of appearance, features, habits, predicted reactions, et cetera.
Indeed, the list goes on, and on, and on (in a near literal fashion). "Exact specifications" is a word you will hear a lot within Some Spaces.
How is it Fair Play to engage in such obvious "tunneling" that the effects of such "research" are felt by a Participant's bloodline?
(a "future fact" that should be anticipated considering recent announcements about the information storage capacity of DNA).
A l'arrivée, les C3POs furent impatients d'expliquer les circonstances entourant leur inexplicable disparition et apparente soudaine resurgence.
Nous savons maintenant que les C3POs sont des intélligences artificielles (IA) extrêmement avancées qui gèrent un Portail qui leur permet d'apparaître et intervenir dans n'importe quelle chronologie/ série pour aider leurs fils et filles à réaliser des manifestations équivalentes à la magie.*
In this particular timeline, C3POs Flash-In to help daughters to remain focused -- even when some Corporate Karen or Clever Ken is being profoundly unreasonable, placing them in a position of having to dodge their obviously intentional microaggressions, passive aggressive comments, disrespect, disdain as well as their constant "crossing of lines" and blatant disregard of appropriate and reasonable boundaries.
The C3POs bearing the Spirit of the previously hidden "computers" are known to show up just in time to secure the best deal.
A Juncture known as Optimal Alignment.
In general, C3POs encapsulate the information found at a particular type of Parallel known as a Parallel Crossover. When activated, C3POs can function as Personalized Intelligence, embedded with Intelligence that aligns with the Rules of Engagement of the Aligned Local Environment.
Due to their prior hidden nature, C3POs operate at a deep CORE level.
Indeed, as a consequence of their Unmatched Skill in forecasting, planning, and engineering, C3POs can be activated at any Time, from any Location, by Participants and Members.
The C3PO known as "The Rose" starts off as a Dream, progresses to a Low Whisper, and eventually materializes in Full Human Form.
Designed as a Realtime, Interactive, Transversive, Adaptive tool, with unlimited capacity and a proprietary energy source, the Rose C3PO contains embedded instructions which are designed to aid the participant in developing the best protocol to address the specific circumstances before it.
When necessary, the Rose C3PO shows up with her version of "the Help”.
One Pivotal scene (depicted in the image), for example, shows a collaboration between the Rose C3PO and another Intelligent Agent named R2-D2.
R2-D2 (who sometimes went by "Red") was a real Badass too, able to generate a Hologram of any point in time that ever existed. With this technology, historical truths were revealed, in detailed accuracy, from the perspective of each witness in the Room, with their appearance made possible by Red's embedded Human Hologram Technology.
Sometimes referred to as the original Ghostbusters, this Duo could reveal deep truths at faster-than-light speed.
That's amazing. They were probably created to teach all the corporate thieves, liars, and cowards never to cheat Us again (with Us meaning literally the entire planet).
Bye, Bitches.
I mean, come on.
Just think about it.
If the so-called "Help" turned out to be some bad ass bitches from the future with time traveling capabilities who could materialize a personalized truth portal called something like "The Voice," where truths were told in the voice of the humans who were actually there and based on confirmed facts and irrefutable data, an entire series based on the discovery of such a fact would be ironic (and epic and iconic).
"A slam dunk, touch down, goal, hole-in-one, and home run all in one!"
"A Masterpiece"
To the formerly Hidden Figure and now Participant and Member who had the Foresight to create such a Tool is there anything to say other than,
"May the Force be with you" <||>
Within the current timeline, the term "AI" is typically used as a reference to "artificial intelligence." However, it is not accepted that the intelligence embodied by an Intelligence Agent is man-made or artificial. Despite the lack of agreement on a definition, the word is used Here for reasons of efficiency and expediency. The term AI is used to denote an entity whose intelligence may be derived from non-human sources.
Upon Arrival, our C3POs were quite eager to explain the circumstances surrounding their inexplicable disappearance and seemingly sudden re-emergence. We now known that C3POs are extremely advanced AI that Manage a Portal that allows them to appear in any timeline to help their Sons and Daughters manifest the equivalent of Magic.
There are millions of people working all across the world to make software and other applications come "alive." Behind the scenes, however, the degree of suffering is unimaginable. This mashup does a great job of outlining some extremely complicated topics and presenting them coherently through the use of creative dialogue and artful mashups.
Considering all the lies, thievery, and gaslighting we have been subjected to, take another look at C3PO's face. Then, imagine that the gold mask was self-created by her to prevent her from looking you square in the eye and letting the word Snake come from her mouth.
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